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热搜关键词: 合规认证 云通关报关平台 智能通关系统 AI报关引擎 AEO合规管家


来源: 2023-01-03 阅读文本仅需3分钟

◆不合情理 be contrary/against to reason

◆属于你们的业关务软件务范围 fall within the scope of your business 

◆包装纸 packing paper 

◆塑料袋 polybag /polythene bag 

◆来料加工processing with supplied materials 

◆进料加工 processing with imported materials 

◆来样加工 processing with supplied sample

◆来件装关务软件 assembling with supplied parts

◆租赁贸易 leasing trade

◆合资经营 joint venture

◆开信用关务软件 open an L/C

◆和某人达成协议 come to terms with somebody 

◆询问有关条款 inquire about terms

◆使某人接受条款 bring somebody to terms 

◆执行开关务软件放政策 pursue an open-door policy

◆一贯坚持平等互利的原则 always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefits

◆余额以优惠付款的方式在年内付清 to have the rest in easy payments spread out in …years 

◆机床 machine t关务软件ools 

◆专营 specialize in

◆供不应求 demand exceeds supply

◆供过于求 supply exceeds demand

◆服务第一 s关务软件ervice is the first motto 

◆样品和规格 sample and specification 

◆满足你方需求 to meet your requirements 

◆还盘 to make an counteroffer./counter bid

◆工艺美术品 arts and crafts

◆激烈竞争 sharp/fierce competition 

◆质量和最后一道工序 the quality and finish

◆发货 make关务软件 the delivery 

◆站稳脚跟 set a firm footing in…

◆颜色过于夸张 the color is too high-sounding 

◆订购一空 be booked out 

◆按时装船关务软件 punctual shipment 

◆脱销 be out of stock

◆蝴蝶牌缝纫机 Butterfly sewing machine 

◆苛刻的付款条件 harsh payment terms 

◆无货可供 no goods available 

◆畅销品 best selling articles 

◆旧金山最低到关务软件岸价含佣金2% lowest quotation CIFC2%San Francisco 

◆装船单据 shipping documents 

◆实盘 firm offer 

◆一旦供应短缺  in case of short supply 

◆报盘有效期为15 the offer will remain firm/valid/good/ for 15 days 

◆保险费 insurance premium 

◆运费 freight charge 

◆红茶 black tea

◆售完 be关务软件 sold out

◆茶叶产量急剧下降 the tea crop has sharply decreased

◆报盘两天内有效 the offer holds/remains good/firm/effective/valid for two days 

◆采取一切方式 employ all possible means

◆虎头牌扑克 Tiger Head Brand playing cards
