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热搜关键词: 合规认证 云通关报关平台 智能通关系统 AI报关引擎 AEO合规管家


来源: 2023-01-03 阅读文本仅需3分钟

◆玻璃器皿销路很畅/销路不大/经常有销路 Glass wares are in great/small/regular demand.

◆增加供货300关务软件茶叶 increase the tea supply by 300 cases

◆亏不起 can not afford to 

◆我们的报关务软件价大致如下:核桃50 公吨,每公吨欧洲主要口岸到岸价人民币 2500 元,包括你方佣金2%,十月份装运。 Our quotation is roughly as follows: Fifty metric tons of walnutmeat at RMB 2,500 per metric ton CIF European Main Port including your commission of 2% for shipment in October.

◆永久牌训练用自行车 Forever Brand Exercise Bicycle

◆以我方最后关务软件确认为准 be subject to one’s final confirmation

◆有竞争余地 has edge on competition 

◆金狮牌折椅 Golden Lion folded chairs

◆地中海市场 the Mediterranean market

◆试订 to place a trial order 

◆听起来催人关务软件 sound pushy

◆加紧,赶快 make haste

◆我们的记录表明 Our record has it that…

◆热那亚 Genoa

◆马赛 Marseilles

◆安特卫普 A关务软件ntwerp

◆汉堡  Hamburg

◆哥本哈根 Copenhagen

◆以你方立即接受为关务软件 be subject to your immediate acceptance

◆失效期 expiry date

◆印花棉布 printed cotton pieces 

◆同类产品 products of the same range

◆供现货 supply from stock

◆即期装运 p关务软件rompt shipment

◆方便使用者user friendly

◆提高性能和可靠度 to improve efficiency and reliability 

◆高质量理应有高关务软件 Better quality deserves higher price.

◆实际处境 actual position

◆不能与……匹敌 can not be comparable with/cannot compete with

◆高科技 high-tech

◆最后出价 final bid

◆这笔买卖真关务软件是赚了/赔了 It’s quite a bargain. 

◆加快装运 to expedite shipment

◆值得推销 be worth promoting 

◆报价比你方低 under-quote you

◆接受定货 accept/book/enter an order

◆订货 place an order

◆续订 repeat an order 

◆撤销订单 cancel the order

◆拒绝接受订关务软件 refuse/decline/turn down an order

◆羊毛 wool

◆不能接受你方报价 cannot entertain your offer 

◆从其它处得到的报价 to obtain quotation from other sources 

◆日本款式的货 goods of Japanese make 
