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热搜关键词: 合规认证 云通关报关平台 智能通关系统 AI报关引擎 AEO合规管家


来源: 2023-01-04 阅读文本仅需3分钟

◆价格低廉 keen price

◆利润余地 profit margin 

◆已向关务软件外报价 be under offer 

◆畅销货 best sellers 

◆让步 make concession 

◆推销 to push the sale of 

◆专营这项产品 specialize in this line 

◆市场坚关务软件挺且有上升趋势 firm market with an upward tendency 

◆不经过中间商直接买卖 to deal with on principal-to-principal basis 

◆代理的商号 agent house 

◆薄利多销 small profits make quick sales 

◆得寸进关务软件 be never satisfied/ be so insatiable 

◆太离题 go too far off the point

◆佣金率 commission rate 

◆经营成本 operating cost

◆妥协 make a compromise 

◆给佣金 grant commission

◆促销 p关务软件romote the sales

◆总而言之 in a nutshell 

◆大量询价 a crowd of inquiries 

◆与厂商联系要求追加订关务软件 approach the manufacturers for an additional order 

◆净价 net price

◆成交额 turnover 

◆对无约束力 be without engagement 

◆支付方式 mode of payment

◆付款交单D/关务软件P (Document against Payment)  

◆承兑交单D/A (Document against Acceptance)

◆信用证L/C (Letter of Credit)

◆信誉地位 credit standing

◆保兑的不可撤销的信用证 confirmed irrevocable L/C

◆超越我们能力 beyond our power

◆反之亦关务软件 the other way round 

◆别无选择只能 have no alternative other than/but

◆包装不当 improper packing

◆备件 spare parts

◆使某人处于无休止关务软件的花费 be put to no end of expense

◆用即期信用证付款payment by L/C available against draft at sight

◆厂商订单很多 the manufacturers are heavily committed

◆完全达成一致 arrive at a complete agreement/come to an agreement/conclude an agreement/ enter into an agreement/ reach an agreement/ make an agreement

◆结果令人关务软件满意 turn out satisfactory

◆对非常熟悉 be well acquainted with 

◆在这方面 in this respect 

◆迁就、照顾 accommodate 

◆在很少的情况下 under rare circumstances 

◆不值得 it doesn’t pay for 

◆例外 make关务软件 an exception 

◆一件一件来 one thing at a time 

◆远期信用证 time L/C

◆牵涉到许多花费 involve great expenses 

◆帮特别的忙 do a special favor
