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热搜关键词: 合规认证 云通关报关平台 智能通关系统 AI报关引擎 AEO合规管家


来源: 2023-01-04 阅读文本仅需3分钟

◆物超所值 give much value of the money

◆投放市关务软件 put onto the market

◆减价6% cut down/shade the price by 6%

◆配合/顺从某人 to comply with sb. 

◆最低关务软件 bottom price/rock bottom price

◆成本价 cost price

◆市价 market price 

◆与市价不符  be out of line with the market level

◆价格上关务软件 (the price) go up/increase/rise/advance

◆价格下降 (the price) come down/drop/fall/decline

◆价格偏高 be on the high side

◆提高 raise/improve/lift

◆减少 cut down/reduce/bring down

◆不能再关务软件往下去了 cannot go any further 

◆达成交易  to come to terms with you/to come to business/transaction with you on the following terms/ to close business at the price of/to close a deal with your offer/to conclude business/ to enter into business with you/to see/pull the business through

◆价格偏高 the pric关务软件e is on the high side

◆价格脱离我处的市场行情 the price is out of line with the ruling market 

◆价格比日本货高出30% the price is 30% higher than that of Japanese goods

◆你一定知关务软件 You must be aware of the fact that…

◆你不会不知道 You cannot be ignorant of the fact that…

◆(亏大了)更不用谈什么利润了 (We lose by…) not to speak of profit

◆价格飞涨 soar up

◆开门见山 come straight to the point

◆没有机会 stand no chance

◆做成这笔交关务软件 to pull the transaction through

◆折中 to meet each other half way

◆共同的努力 joint effort

◆把心里话说出来 to speak out one’s mind

◆当然啰 by all means

◆没问题 be out of question

◆没门 be out of the question/by no means

◆价格意关务软件 indication of price

◆分歧/差距太大 the gap is too wide

◆离题 get away from the point 

◆直达轮 direct steamer 

◆转运 transshipment 

◆补偿贸关务软件 compensation trade

◆佣金 commission 

◆违背常见商务惯例go against the usual commercial practice

◆佣金代理商 commission agent 

◆干劲十足 strenuous efforts 

◆给予照关务软件 to extend one’s accommodation 

◆从总货金中提取佣金 deduce from the value of the consignment

◆汇佣金 to remit commission
