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热搜关键词: 合规认证 云通关报关平台 智能通关系统 AI报关引擎 AEO合规管家


来源: 2021-09-01 阅读文本仅需3分钟
8月22号(周一)的询盘,客户想要先定1件样品,说好的话,以后有large order。

客户是美国的,询盘来自阿里巴巴。8月22号(周一)的询盘,客户想要先定1件样品,说好的话,以后有large order。当天回复客户的询盘,客户也很快就回复了。接下来的几天,每天都有邮件往来,确认设计,修改设计,确认尺寸、级别、尺码、价格、付款方式都谈了,26号(周五)客户也让我做Invoice,等到29号(下周一) 问客户付款情况, 客户回信说从其他的公司下单了!


Thank for so much for all of your assistance!

At this moment in time, I have decided to proceed with a different company for this order.

If there are any issues with them, I will contact you to continue our work together.

You really have been so helpful and I will absolutely consider your company for work in the future.

Thank you again. 



They are also in China and the price was the same.  To be honest it was very very close between you and their company.

The only things that made me pick them was that when their designer sent pictures, they were slightly more professional looking.  

They showed pictures in response to my questions and I could tell that it was cropped from a screenshot taken in Adobe Illustrator.  It gave me a bit more confidence in their designers.  

The customer service person was also very good and answered every question in numbered format and connected with me on WhatsApp so that we could message directly.

You were really really excellent to deal with and I will absolutely consider you in the future.  

It was so close between you two and your customer service skills are excellent.  Also your garment proof was excellent.  If my product arrives from this other company and it is not satisfactory then I will be asking you to print it for me!



1. 他们看起来比我们稍微专业一点。  

2. 他们的销售回答客户的问题,是一条一条的列出来的。  

3. 他们的销售加了客户的Whatspp,有问题可以随时联系客户。

